The STEAM Engine

Mobile makerspace bringing Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math to life in Snohomish and King Counties

After-School Makerspace Classes:

Fall 2024

High-Tech Crafting 101

Learn how to use the laser cutter, 3D printer, and more to make jewelry, journals, light-up cards, and toy monsters!

Grades 4-5

STEM Teamwork 101

Make friends and work together to complete STEM challenges using the laser cutter, 3D printer, electronics, and common materials. Each project is a mini-competition with points, prizes, and fun!

Grades 6-8

Electronic Creations

Learn how to build and program circuits to make an RC car, pulse monitor, musical instrument, video game controller, and more!

Grades 9-12

Other Offerings

  • Classroom Collaborations

    We bring our maker equipment to your school and lead engaging hands-on projects for grades 4-12

  • Homeschool Activities

    We lead STEAM projects and classes for homeschooled individuals and small groups, ages 9 and up

  • Private Lessons

    Have you been wanting to get into 3D-printing, laser cutting, or hobby electronics but don’t know where to start? We offer private lessons for children and adults!

  • Custom Manufacturing

    Let us put our makerspace to work for you! If you have a design to 3D print or laser cut, we can bring your idea to life.

Our Philosophy

At The STEAM Engine, we believe the following pillars are essential for students to grow into their full potential as confident, creative problem solvers, forge their own paths, and make positive impact in their communities.

STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math, and STEAM Thinking refers to the mental toolkits shared among the five disciplines. At The STEAM Engine, we teach students systematic techniques for creatively approaching goals, problems, and the unknown. The same process you follow to design a water filter can also be used to design an art installation. The same technology you use to make jewelry can be used to make robots. Students who think of themself as a tech person, or an art person, discover at The STEAM Engine that their skills can be used across disciplines to bring their ideas to life.

STEAM Thinking

We believe that students learn best through hands-on activities and projects. All our sessions are designed around projects, motivating students by giving them a concrete goal to work towards. Rather than a long lecture and set of instructions up front, our students dive into the projects right away and we cover key concepts “just-in-time”, at the exact moment they need the knowledge to move their project forward.

Hands-On Projects

Nothing engages students in learning like the opportunity to put their own personality, interests, and creativity into their work. We strive to help every student feel seen, respected, and valued at The STEAM Engine, and encourage them to make their projects their own. We love to see students come to life as they express themselves through our projects.

Student Voice and Choice

Meet the Steam Behind the Engine

My name is Sarah Nichols, and I’m the founder and managing director of The STEAM Engine! I’ve always been passionate about art, STEM, and working with kids, and it’s been a struggle to find jobs that combine all three. So I decided to start my own business! Over the past ten years I’ve worked as a mechanical engineer, coached high school robotics, run a middle school makerspace, and managed STEM programs for a nonprofit, and I’m excited to use that experience to help your child discover the amazing things that happen when we combine creativity with technology!