Grades 6-8

Mondays, 3:00 - 4:30 pm

Olympic View Middle School, Cafeteria

STEM Teamwork 101

3D-Printed Boat Races!

Claw made out of laser cut wood, 3D printed spacers, and servo motor

Egg Drop!

Robotic Claws…and more!

Make friends and work together to compete in fun hands-on STEM challenges!

In these after-school workshops, students will practice creativity and teamwork by working in pairs and small groups to complete a series of STEM challenges, using materials ranging from cardboard to 3D-printing. At the end of every challenge, each team will see how their design stacks up against the other groups!

No workshop Nov. 11 or Nov. 25

Sept. 30 & Oct. 7

Oct. 14 & 21

Oct. 28 & Nov. 4

Nov. 18 & Dec. 2

Dec. 9 & 16

$30 per 2-week workshop

3D- Printed Boat Races

Robotic Hands

Robotic Claws

Egg Drop

Rube Goldberg Balloon Popper


  • Nope! This class is completely beginner friendly. We don't expect students to have any previous experience.

  • Your child does not need to be a student at Olympic View Middle School to take this class. As long as they have transportation to the class, all middle school students are welcome to sign up.

  • Nope! The $30 registration fee includes all materials that will be used in each workshop. There are no additional fees.

  • Each project stands alone, so if they miss Robotic Claws, they can still come for Egg Drop (for example), and you only pay for the workshops they actually attend. But since each project takes two weeks, if you know they're going to miss one of the Egg Drop days, it may make sense to skip both days of Egg Drop and come back for the next project.

  • While each challenge will have a winning team, the tone of the class is friendly and relaxed, keeping the focus on learning and doing your best. Teams are expected to treat each other with kindness and respect, and trash-talking, showboating, and other forms of poor sportsmanship are not tolerated.

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